Corruption is a huge bane to Africa’s development. African countries must develop novel and localised solutions that will curb this menace, hence the birth of iReporter.
iReporter enables any/every citizen to bring any form of corruption to the notice of appropriate authorities and the general public. Users can also report on things that needs government intervention
- user signup.
- user login.
- users can create red-flag record.
- Users can create an intervention record.
- Users can view all red-flag and intervention records.
- Users can delete a red-flag or intervention record.
- Admin has the privilege of changing status of a record.
- Admin can view all records from different users.
Getting Started
clone the github repo to your computer:
- $git clone
- Extract the zip file to another file
- Open using text editor
- Run it using web browser
- Text editor where we write our project files. (VScode)
- Web browser (Mozilla, Chrome) to preview project files
Technologies Used
- launch Index to access Sign Up/ Sign In options
- On successful login, you will be redirected to webpage that contains information relevant to your logged in account(either user or Admin).
- User interface
- click
create red-flag
tab to display input fields.
- click
create intervention record
tab to display input fields.
- click
My records
tab to display past records.
- click
tab to leave page.
- top right corner contains brief user profile information.
- Admin interface
- click on status to display options to change status of a record
my site is published at
- Text editor where we write our project files. (VScode)
- Flask Python Framework -Server-side framework
- Pytest - a Python Testing Framework
- Pylint - a Python linting library
- Postman -Application to test and consume endpoints
- PEP8 - Style guide
Create virtual environment and activate it
$pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv
$ venv\Scripts\activate
Install all the necessary tools by
$pip insatll -r requirements.txt
Start app server in console/terminal/commandprompt
Test app in terminal
This is version two "v2" of the API
End Points(Required Features)
| End Point | Functionality |
| ——————————————————– | ——————————————— |
| POST api/v2/auth/login/ | Login to application |
| POST api/v2/auth/signup/ | Register an account |
| POST api/v2/red-flags/ | Create a red-flag |
| GET api/v2/red-flags/ | Fetch all red-flags |
| GET api/v2/red-flags/ | Fetch a red-flag |
| PATCH api/v2/red-flags//location | Edit red-flag location |
| PATCH api/v2/red-flags//comment | Edit red-flag comment |
| PATCH api/v2/red-flags//status | Edit red-flag status |
| POST api/v2/interventions/ | Create a intervention |
| GET api/v2/interventions/ | Fetch all interventions |
| GET api/v2/interventions/ | Fetch a intervention |
| DELETE api/v2/interventions/ | Fetch a intervention |
| PATCH api/v2/interventions//location| Edit intervention location |
| PATCH api/v2/interventions//comment | Edit intervention comment |
Run app in postman
Hosted application link
Heroku hosted link
API Documentation link